

(:) Colon (冒号),U+003A:这是使用最广泛的冒号。在东亚,又叫做半角/半形冒号(Halfwidth Colon)。

(:) Fullwidth Colon (全角/全形冒号),U+FF1A:用于中文和日文。

(:) Mongolian Colon (蒙古冒号),U+1804:用于蒙古文、满文等文字的冒号。



Is Mongolian Colon Necessary?

In Unicode, at least we can find three colons and one of them is named Mongolian colon. We should use Mongolian colon in Mongolian without hesitation. But is it correct?

(:) Colon, U+003A: This is the most widely used colon. It is also called halfwidth colon in East Asia.

(:) Fullwidth Colon, U+FF1A: This one is mainly used in Chinese and Japanese.

(:) Mongolian Colon, U+1804: This one is designed for Mongolian Script (Mongolian, Manchu and Sibe).

See the picture below for more information:

What is the difference between Colon and Mongolian Colon? They are the same in any way! Is Mongolian Colon necessary?


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